There aren't quite as many garage door openers as there are doors for your garage, but there are quite a bit, and they can all be a little bit different. Having the right door and operator for your particular situation can be a life changer.
One of the key benefits to an operator is the push button access you can have to your door, and even a keypad for added security if you wish.
However, depending on the type of system your opener uses, it has its own little pros and cons that come along with that.
In order for you to figure out which type is best for you, let's take a look at them.
Belt driven openers are becoming increasingly popular these days. The main reason for this is because the sound of operation is a lot quieter than other types, and also has fewer moving parts.
Fewer moving parts usually means less maintenance. On top of that, there is no rust when it comes to belts, and not near as much potential for corrosion or wear.
If you have bedrooms above the garage, are consistently coming home late or at weird hours when others might be sleeping, or even if you just don't want to deal with as many mechanical problems down the road, then a belt driven opener is probably for you.
However, be warned, the convenience and quietness that they bring comes at a higher price than chain driven ones.
Although the belt driven openers need less maintenance, the chain driven openers for your garage are usually a lot more dependable. Chains rarely slip, slide, or go anywhere they aren't supposed to, while the same can't always be said with belts.
The good news with chain driven openers is that they are the most affordable, but they come with a downside as well. They are the noisiest of the three types, and a lot more prone to rusting.
If you are looking for an economical, yet dependable device and don't mind the extra noise or possible maintenance down the road, then a chain driven opener is probably the choice you should go with.
Screw driven garage door openers work a little differently than the other two and are not seen quite as much. However, they are very simple when it comes to their mechanics, making them the least maintenance out of all three.
They aren't quite as quiet as the belt driven type, but are significantly quieter than chain driven openers. This is, in part, due to the plastic lined tracks that they involve.
The way that they are designed though, it is best for screw driven openers not to be in conditions where temperature is going to fluctuate majorly. In other words, if you live in extreme temp climates, then this type of operator might not be best for you.
The simplicity and low maintenance come at a cost that is usually higher than both chain and belt driven openers.
Just like with the doors of the garage themselves, openers have a lot of moving parts and a lot of things that can easily injure you. Please leave installation of doors and openers to the professionals so that they can properly be setup.
We hope that covering these three types of openers has helped you find the best type for you. Finding the perfect combination of the right garage door and opener for you can be a little frustrating with all of the options, but when you have them installed, you'll be glad you did all of the work to find out what works best for you.